Presentazione di Economia e Società Regionale, 2/2024: Negoziare l’ambiente e il clima
Il 9 dicembre, alle ore 13:30 nell’Aula 6 di Palazzo Hercolani, sede della scuola di Scienze…
This thematic area deals with the bargaining dynamics at the various levels at which it is exercised, as well as the relationships between the social partners who exercise it for various reasons.
In addition to the topics traditionally subject to negotiation - such as work organization, career paths, working hours, wages, etc., a special emphasis is laid on the quality of the dialogue between trade union representatives and their negotiating counterparts, but also between workers and their representatives, as well as workers’ conditions in their organizational context and their greater or lesser participation and engagement in this area.
Il 9 dicembre, alle ore 13:30 nell’Aula 6 di Palazzo Hercolani, sede della scuola di Scienze…
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